Monday, October 7, 2013

Mental health of older people

Mental Health Of Older People
Dr M A Aleem
Professor of neurology
Kapv govt medical college and MGM govt hospital
Getting older and retirement both involve a change in lifestyle for most people and it's important to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically.
There's an assumption that mental health problems are a 'normal' aspect of ageing but most older people don't develop mental health problems, and they can be helped if they do. While a significant number of people do develop dementia or depression in old age, they aren't an inevitable part of getting older.
Get the statistics on mental health and older people.
Not everyone feels ready to retire at the same time. If work or career is a major part of your life, it can affect:
The social aspect of your life if your job also provided friendships
Your sense of self-worth and self-esteem if you felt valued at work
Your financial security.
But being retired (or semi-retired) can also be a busy life because friends and family can have plans for your time - anything from child care to DIY tasks. It can be a chance to try a new activity or learn new skills and do the things that you've always wanted to do but never had the time.
Depression describes a range of moods, from feeling a bit low in mood to feeling unable to cope with everyday life. It can affect anyone, of any culture, age or background but more older people are affected than any other age group. This is because older people are much more vulnerable to factors that lead to depression, such as:
being widowed or divorced
being retired/unemployed
physical disability or illness
loneliness and isolation.
The neurobiological changes associated with getting older, prescribed medication for other conditions and genetic susceptibility (which increases with age) are also factors.  There are a number of rarer mental health problems that affect older people too, including delirium, anxiety and late-onset schizophrenia.
Find out more about depression, how to prevent it and how to get help.
Dementia is a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, concentration and perception. It occurs as a result of the death of brain cells or damage in parts of the brain that deal with our thought processes.
People with dementia can become confused and some also become restless or display repetitive behaviour. They may also seem irritable, tearful or agitated which can be very distressing for both the person with dementia and their family and friends.
Find out more about dementia, whether you're worried about memory problems or you're a trying to help someone with dementia.
Alcohol abuse
Although alcohol abuse is a problem for people of all ages but it is more likely to go unrecognised among older people. Reasons for alcohol abuse in older age include bereavement and other losses, loneliness, physical ill health, disability and pain, loss of independence, boredom and depression, which is also linked to the other factors. Retirement may also provide more opportunities for drinking too much.
Prescribed medications can cause symptoms associated with mental illness in older people. Most older people are taking some kind of medication, and many are taking several at the same time. There are risks associated with taking multiple medications, including confusion.
Mental capacity and caring for others
People with dementia or severe mental illness may be unable to make and communicate decisions. Very few people are completely incapable of making any choices or decisions, but some older people may have partial or fluctuating mental capacity and may need help.
People with dementia often need special support - they may take longer to make decisions, may need an advocate to speak on their behalf and their mental functioning may also vary by day, and time of day. Family members or carers are often useful sources of information but it is important to take account of the views of the person with dementia alongside those of their carer. Being a carer isn't always easy. Many find it demanding both physically and emotionally.